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DDD 044 – Who worked on this before me?

Many sectors of the service industry suffer from low self esteem. That lack of efficacy is often manifested on one very simple exchange  

Professional -”Who worked on this before me?”

Client – “John Doe”

Professional – “Well they totally butchered it.  Look what they did with cross-butterfly-regurge-valve-separator-incline-sensor!  That should always point due north when the widget is in neutral. Brutal. Most people don’t know that but I’m really, really smart.”

The need for people to assert their genius by throwing the previous ‘worker’ under the bus is off-putting to me.  The overly technical follow up is straight up nauseating.  

It’s rampant.  Who cut your hair before me?  Who taught you how to hit a golf ball like that?  Who hooked this up?  Who built this website?  

I have a policy at Le Domestique.  Pre-existing conditions will be brought to your attention if they’re relevant, but I don’t care who worked on your bike (and I’ve seen some handiwork, trust me).  I care that you trusted me with it, and I care that I’m about to make it sing like Sinatra.